When Daddy is being an ass and Mommy is a martyr

My beautiful little bear cub is in upheaval these days. She’s just learned to walk, she’s getting her 9th and 10th tooth and she’s figuring out that she can do a lot of things herself – at least she tries to! Basically there’s a lot happening in her world at the moment. Which leads to her sleeping… Not so well. She fusses and tosses and turns all night, wanting her pacifier, wanting milk, wanting hugs and cuddles. All of which I am happy to give her. But honestly, we’re going on three nights with very little sleep so it would be nice if mr. Hubby could take over some of the time. But no. He’s just lying right there, snoring away! Should I finally succeed in getting bub to sleep, chances are she’ll be woken up again by his wood sawing!
After a very unsatisfying sleep last night and a toddler who woke up at 5 am (!!!) I was beat! We snuggled in bed for a while – Chloe snuggled and I cursed mr-I-haven’t-taken-a-single-night-in-14-months. I was so close to kicking him! (One could argue that maybe I should say something. Something like “why don’t you take your daughter tonight and I’ll go sleep on the couch. Not to be disturbed”, but we all know it’s much more fun being a bitter martyr). Anyway I got up, changed and dressed little miss C and started breakfast.
Standing in the kitchen I could hear him snore. Hoping to wake him up I turned on the juicer – nothing (except for delicious juice). Having fed the monkey her chia oatmeal we ventured back into the bedroom. I let Chloe do the wakening of the semi unconscious daddy – he was not amused – and then I went to get get dressed. “I’m tired” he muttered. Tired? Tired?! This fire spewing dragon here (also known as Mommy) turned sharply and unleashed a small barrage of well-chosen words.
When mr. Hubby left it was with kisses and the promise of chocolate and Pepsi Max upon his return. Mommy: 1 Daddy: 0
Of course we don’t actually keep score, we are , after all, adults. Some of the time anyway. Okay, who am I kidding? Everyone keeps score. Sometimes I’m up and he’s down and sometimes he’s up and I’m down. Rarely are we even.
But we love each other. Even though he can be an idiot and I can be a bitter, annoying martyr.

Thanks for reading my rant.

Chloe’s mom

Author: chloesmom

Vegetarian, stay at home mom to 14 months old Chloe Emily. Co-sleeping, EC, cloth nappies, zero waste, attachment parenting.

4 thoughts on “When Daddy is being an ass and Mommy is a martyr”

  1. Totally the same in our house! Tiredness is never discussed because i will always win because he seems able to sleep through the cries of his son. What an ass!


  2. I had to go back to work full time after 3 months of maternity leave. My (now-ex) spouse did not help either. As time went by, he just began ordering me around like I had become his and my son’s servant. Moms (and Dads) are supposed to serve their kids while they are young. When Moms serve their husbands (and it isn’t reciprocated), that is slavery. I put up with it far too long. Don’t become a doormat like I did. Tell him what you need and make sure he follows through.


    1. Wow that is not a lot of maternity leave. Is that standard? I am pretty lucky though, my husband does help out a lot. Not at night, though, but he is really good during the day, playing with Chloe, cooking, etc ☺I just like to complain, haha 😂


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